
Book Summaries

Harry Potter And The Sorceror's Stone (Book 1)-Harry Potter is known as a normal person. Even if knowbody knows about him. Dudley (his cousin) treats him really bad. His Aunt And Uncle who he lives with treat him just the same. He lives with his Aunt And Uncle becuase his parents died in a car crash or is that true. His Aunt And Uncle say so ,but the are not trust worthy. Well, one thing leads to the other and he ends up finding out he is a wiard. His Aunt And Uncle have been hiding it and the person the tells him is Hagrid. Well, Hagrid didn't come for nothing ,he came to bring Harry to Hogwarts School Of Magic And Mystery. After a long fight he goes to Hogwarts and has lots of adventures. He then ends up meeting his Enemy. The one that killed his parents (I told you it was not a car crash) and many things happen. You are going to have to read the book to know every great adventure that happens.
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (Book 2)-It is back to Hogwarts after a long struggle with Harry's Aunt and Uncle. Ron Weasley (Harry's Friend) gets in big trouble and his dad has to pay big becuase it is against the law. So, when Harry And Ron get to Hogwarts they end up having lots of things happening. Lots of talk about Mudbloods (Half Wizard And Half Human people) and it ends up with many people almost dieing and Ginny Weasley (who has a crush on Harry) is saved at the last minute minute from a deadly animal that produces poisen ,but there is alot more in the book than just a pousinous animal. Lots more, the fact is the Harry learns more about his past than some things he would like to not even know ,but all in the end Harry makes through his problems and does just fine. If you are locing for action this is the book you should look into to. If you are looking for drama there is plenty in here and even some comedy. So if you are looking for those elements read this book ,but I suggest you read the first book first (Harry Potter And The Sorceror's Stone.)
Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azcaban (Book 3)-Oh, this is one of the best of them if you are looking for stuff about Hary's past. Alot of stuff happens, Harry Potter might not know just what happens in the beggining ,but he sure understand in the end. If you think somebody is bad you better not make a discision til the end, you might be fooled. Terrible as it may seem, some people go places they should not go to, some just get in the way, or you could be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I suggest if you like mysteries you should read this one, that is why I am not going to tell anymore about the book becuase it is all pretty much a mystery ,but I still suggest you should read the first book first than the second so you make sure you understand everything that is going on.
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (Book 4)-This is my favorite ,but that is just a opinion. This is the largest Harry Potter Book in the series. After getting in a mental struggle with Uncle Vernon he is able to go to the Quidditch Match, the hardest thing to get tickets to. After big trouble at the game big things happen at Hogwarts too. A Triwizard Tournament happens and after hard thinking Harry might just have not went to school. Things are lost that ruined some people's days. It all should have never happened. Lost life is what happens if you are wondering ,but I will not tell you who. Yo have to read the book after you read the First, Second, and third.

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This Website Was Started November 25,2001